USRPT Set: 20 x 50 Free



1 x 1 Stretching (10min)

Warm Up /


1 x 300 Freestyle 100 Easy / 100 Build to FAST / 100 Easy --:--
100 Easy / 100 Build to FAST / 100 Easy
6 x 50 Freestyle Middle 25 RACE, fast turns --:--
Middle 25 RACE, fast turns
2 x 100 Kick Middle 50 RACE --:--
Middle 50 RACE
2:00 Rest After Set

Main Set /


20 x 50 Freestyle RACE - 200 Pace: Target time = 1/4 of your fastest 200 pace (2:00 = 0:30) --:--
RACE - 200 Pace: Target time = 1/4 of your fastest 200 pace (2:00 = 0:30)

Cool Down /


1 x 300 Mixed Free / Back --:--
Free / Back

Total Duration: 00:06:30

Total Distance: 2100